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ECOOP 2021
Sun 11 - Sat 17 July 2021 Online
co-located with ECOOP and ISSTA 2021

Accepted Papers

Accessible Metamorphic Testing for C++ Software Libraries (Senior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
AFS: Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection using Code Representation Fusion (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
Detecting Near-duplicate States in Web Application Model Inference: a Tree Kernel-based Approach (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
JavaScript Static Analysis with Evolving Engines and Specification (Senior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
Probability Adaptive Random Testing by Particle Swarm Optimization (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
Quantum Computing & Machine Learning: Towards Provable Guarantees (Senior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
Robustness Evaluation of Deep Learning System Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
Using refactoring features to solve the problem of nested refactoring (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium

Call For Papers

The ECOOP/ISSTA Doctoral Symposium provides a forum for PhD students at any stage in their research to get detailed feedback and advice. The objectives of this event are to:

  • Allow students to practice writing clearly and present their research effectively.
  • Receive constructive feedback from experienced researchers and peers.
  • Offer opportunities to form research collaborations.
  • Interact with other researchers at the ECOOP and ISSTA.


The symposium is a full-day of interactive presentations. Each student will give a formal presentation followed by questions and discussions. Besides the formal presentations, there will be opportunities for informal interactions during breaks, lunch and dinner. We will invite renowned researchers to give talks on topics related to PhD studies and exploring possibilities beyond your doctorate. Submissions There are two distinct submission categories: junior and senior submissions. Junior students may not yet have developed a thesis topic. They will present their research ideas and any progress to date. Senior students are expected to give an outline of their thesis topic and will obtain feedback towards the successful completion of their thesis and defense.

Submissions are done through HotCRP: https://ecoop-issta-2021-ds.hotcrp.com/ They are due on May 10, 2021, AOE.

All authors should use the official “2017 ACM Master article template”, which can be obtained from the ACM Proceedings Template pages. Latex users should use the “sigconf” option, as well as the “review” (to produce line numbers for easy reference by the reviewers) option. As supplemental material please submit a short statement by your thesis advisor stating that they are aware of your submission and that they will attend at least one rehearsal of your presentation prior to the symposium.

Junior PhD Students

Submit a 4 page research proposal with:

  • a problem description
  • a detailed sketch of a proposed approach
  • related work

It is not necessary to present concrete results. Instead, try to inform the reader that you have a (well-motivated) problem and present a possible solution. Attempt to provide a clear road map detailing future research efforts.

Senior PhD Students

The experience for senior students is meant to mimic a “mini-defense” interview. Aside from the actual feedback, this helps the student gain familiarity with the style and mechanics of such an interview (advisors of student presenters will not be allowed in). The students should be able to present:

  • the importance of the problem
  • a clear research proposal
  • some preliminary work and initial results
  • an evaluation plan

Please submit a 6 page research statement in with the following:

  1. Problem Description
    • What is the problem?
    • What is the significance of this problem?
    • Why can the current state of the art not solve this problem?
  2. Goal Statement
    • What is the goal of your research?
    • What artifacts (tools, theories, methods) will be produced?
    • How do they address the stated problem?
  3. Method
    • What experiments, prototypes, or studies need to be produced/executed?
    • What is the validation strategy? How will it show the goal was reached?
  4. Preliminary work
    • Which research questions are investigated?
    • What are your initial results and findings?

This isn’t a technical paper, don’t focus on technical details, but rather on the research method.


Accepted students will give a 15 minute presentation followed by a period of time for questions, feedback and discussions.

Prior to the symposium, each student will be assigned submissions of two other students. For each submission the student is asked to prepare a short summary, feedback and 2-3 questions for discussions.

Funding and Other Events

Consider applying to the ECOOP/ISSTA Summer School, great speakers with an emphasis towards teaching useful skills for young researchers, https://conf.researchr.org/committee/issta-2021/ecoop-issta-2021-summer-school-organizing-committee

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Tue 13 Jul

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14:00 - 14:15
Welcome Talk
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium

14:15 - 15:15
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
A: Mary Lou Soffa University of Virginia
Media Attached
15:30 - 17:30
Student Presentations Session 1ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium at Doctoral Symposium
Chair(s): Eric Bodden University of Paderborn; Fraunhofer IEM

Panel Members:

Myra Cohen, Iowa State University, USA
Sebastian Erdweg, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Yang Liu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Mary Lou Soffa, University of Virginia, USA

Robustness Evaluation of Deep Learning System Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
A: Zhouxian Jian Beijing Jiaotong University
JavaScript Static Analysis with Evolving Engines and Specification (Senior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
AFS: Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection using Code Representation Fusion (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
A: Ben Wang Hohai University
Probability Adaptive Random Testing by Particle Swarm Optimization (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
A: Haibo Chen Jiangsu University
18:30 - 19:15
20:30 - 22:30
Student presentations Session 2ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium at Doctoral Symposium
Chair(s): Wei Le Iowa State University

Panel Members:

Myra Cohen, Iowa State University, USA
Sebastian Erdweg, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Yang Liu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Mira Mezini, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Mary Lou Soffa, University of Virginia, USA

Accessible Metamorphic Testing for C++ Software Libraries (Senior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
A: Andrei Lascu Imperial College London
Using refactoring features to solve the problem of nested refactoring (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
A: Tan Liang Philipps-Universität Marburg
Detecting Near-duplicate States in Web Application Model Inference: a Tree Kernel-based Approach (Junior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
A: Luigi Libero Lucio Starace Federico II University of Naples
Quantum Computing & Machine Learning: Towards Provable Guarantees (Senior Presentation)
ECOOP and ISSTA Doctoral Symposium
A: Fabian Bauer-Marquart Universität Konstanz